Thursday 21 June 2012

Top Ten Games & Movies

1. The Avengers
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. War Horse
4. Rambo quadrilogy
5. Black Hawk Down
6. American Pie 1+2
7. Men in black 1+2
8. Battleship
9. Act Of Valor
10. Waterboy

1. Batman Arkham City
2. Forza 4
3. Minecraft
4. Fallout 3
5. Gta 4
6. Bioshock 1+2
7. Gears Of War 1-3
8. Fallout New Vegas
9. NBA 2K12
10. Skyrim

Wednesday 20 June 2012


Yes i have been camping i went camping to Seaspray and i camped on the beach and went fishing there for 4 days. The camping trip was very good very remote with no other person on the beach, so it was great. We didnt stay in a caravan park, and we forgot a part of our tents so we had to sleep in the car for 4 days but it was still great fun.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Saying/Quote I Like

War Doesn't Determine Who Is Right, But Who Is Left. This is my favourite quote that i like because it is very true and is just a brilliant quote.
Dylan Roberts 10.4

Sunday 20 May 2012

Rewrite Romeo And Juliet Ending

My Ending of Romeo and Juliet:

If I was to rewriting the ending of Romeo and Juliet i would change it that when juliet is in the deep sleep for 2 days that romeo recieves the letter and he knows exactly what is happening. But when he gets to the Capulet resting ground Juliet isnt their he gets worried. So he returns home, and 3 days later he recieves news from a "source" that Juliet had fled the country with his best friend Benvolio, they were fleeing the country to start a new life together. After finding out this news Romeo was less than impressed, so he pays his "source" a large sum of money to tell him were Juliet and Benvolio are, he is told that they are in New York. So he packs his bags and catches the next plane to New York he finds the hotel where the two are staying and barges through the doors of their hotel room to find benvolio laying on the bed with a smug look on his face. Romeo ties up Benvolio and iterogates Benvolio to find out where Juliet is then once he is told where she is he shoots Benvolio and quickly flees the hotel room. He goes to where Juliet is hiding and he confronts her she is startled to see him, he convinces her that his love is pure to her and they both catch the next plane back to Verona to live happily ever after together.
6 years later.
Roemo and Juliet are still married, they have never been hapier and they now have 4 children. Roemo doesnt regret killing his best friend Benvolio because of him stealing his wife. But then Juliet explains to Romeo that she didn't want to go with Benvolio but he forced her and if she didn't go with him he would have killed Romeo. Romeo is happy to hear this news and now he can sleep happily at night nowing that his wife didn't cheat on him.

Dylan Roberts 10.4

Braggy Brag

Well i'm just awesome at playing xbox and i'm the best fishermen the world has ever seen.
thank you